Advanced shortcode is complementary to a Shortcode module, You can use this module on Drupal 8, It will help you to create bootstrap elements very quickly.


Shortcode basic tags module

[accordions] : The following shows a collapsible panel with a list group inside
[accordion]  : this is accordion child
[alerts] : to create predefined alert messages choose one Type like parameter : 1-success 2-info 3-warning 4-danger.
[row] : in this row you can add multiple  colomn.
[col] : create a multiple  colomn with width size .
[progress] :A progress bar can be used to show a user how far along he/she is in a process.
[jumbotron] :A jumbotron indicates a big box for calling extra attention to some special content or information.
[hr] : a line tag

Project information
