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The very useful Admin Menu can get in the way if you would like a screenshot without it but don't want to log out. This module will hide the admin menu with the press of a key. After pressing a key combination in your browser (Ctrl+Alt in D5, back-tick ` in D6) the menu is slid down from the top of browser's viewing area. Pressing the combination again will hide the menu. In D6, the page margin is changed when the menu is hidden, so you don't notice the empty space.


This module hides/shows the Admin Menu with the press of a key. You can configure the key, but the default for Drupal 5 is control + alt, and for Drupal 6, the back tick (`).
If any of the Administration Menu extends down further than the browser's viewing area, the Administration Menu Dropdown can have its functionality disabled by pressing another key combination (Ctrl+Shift+Alt by default). Pressing the same combination again will activate the dropdown functionality again. If Ctrl+Alt or Ctrl+Shift+Alt key combinations conflicts with your browser/OS, the key combination can be changed in the settings menu.
Note: In the Drupal 6 version, in the beginning, the features in this paragraph will not be available.


Admin Menu


6.x-2.x-dev requires Administration Menu 6.x-3.x-dev.
Admin Menu Hider 6.x-3.x does not require this.


  • Shawn Conn: The creator of this module, and was the main developer of the D5 branch until 2008.
  • Deciphered maintained all of the module until 2009.
  • Josh The Geek is the current maintainer of the 6.x-3.x branch.


  • After a while with no updates, Josh The Geek has joined the maintainers list. I hope to port this module to Drupal 6. (I have no experience with D5, so that branch will not be updated very often. The Drupal 6 branch is under active development.)
  • The 5.x-1.x branch is no longer supported. Josh The Geek is the only active maintainer of this module, and I have no experience with Drupal 5 coding.
  • 7.x-3.x is a direct port of 6.x-3.x-dev as of January 1, 2011. The initial upgrade used

New to Version 3 (in development)

  • Settings page is merged into the Drupal Administration Menu settings page. This is in Admin Menu Hider 6.x-3.1.
  • The key is now just one character. (By default the back tick `)
  • Suggestions? Create a feature request.

Similar projects

Toolbar Hider: Does the same thing for the D7 toolbar.

Project information
