I was finishing translating the UI to German using localization, when for no apparent reason, this error started showing up:

user error: Got error 28 from table handler
query: SELECT t.*, parent FROM term_data t, term_hierarchy h WHERE t.tid = h.tid AND t.vid = 2 ORDER BY weight, name in /home/douglass/public_html/klavier/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 97

Now I can't get rid of it. The query returns three rows in PhpMyAdmin. The site was supposed to go live tomorrow - just my luck. Seeking suggestions on where to start debugging. Thanks,

-Robert Douglass


robertDouglass’s picture

- Robert Douglass

visit me at www.robshouse.net

Gunny-1’s picture


I have got the same error,
user error: Got error 28 from table handler
query: SELECT DISTINCT(p.perm) FROM role r INNER JOIN permission p ON p.rid = r.rid INNER JOIN users_roles ur ON ur.rid = r.rid WHERE ur.uid = 0 in database.mysql.inc on line 66.

on my server the tmpdir points to tmp, i am using a shared hosting provider. so did you seek the help of your host to increase the space


robertDouglass’s picture

Turns out that they had needed to add a database server or do some other configuration and had accidentally forgotten to increase the space. They were a sucky hosting company and are out of business.

- Robert Douglass

Rate the value of this post: http://rate.affero.net/robertDouglass/
I recommend CivicSpace: www.civicspacelabs.org
My sites: www.hornroller.com, www.robshouse.net

jocrenalix’s picture

i got the same error but it appears only on top of SOME pages:

user error: Got error 28 from table handler
query: SELECT DISTINCT(p.perm) FROM role r INNER JOIN permission p ON p.rid = r.rid INNER JOIN users_roles ur ON ur.rid = r.rid WHERE ur.uid = 0 in /home/urevent/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 66.
user error: Got error 28 from table handler

Then these error messages are muliplied when i log out. Do these errors also tell that i am running out of space on MySQL?

By the way, the error messages appear on top with the page still displayed below it.