
on the Using Trackfield node (http://drupal.org/node/274516), on 6th point, you explain :

Add a Track Map field (no widget) - this will display paths stored in the Track field just created. In the 'Reference Field Name' configuration you must specify the storage field created in the previous step. Drupal adds 'field_' to the front of your names, so in the example you would enter, 'field_track_data'.

But, using the exact names of this example, I always get the message :

You must specify the reference field of type track. Valid fields in this system:

So, Track Map field is no correctly displayed is the submiting form, when creating a contenu.

How to fix this issue ? Your Drupal Module is very interesting.


webmestre’s picture


raintonr’s picture

I think you are saying there is nothing appearing after 'Valid fields in this system:'... which would seem to indicate you didn't create a trackfield field in the current content type yet (step 5) in the doco above.