I am looking to automate the adding of the multigroup rows so that my client can just tab through without having to grab the mouse to click the button. Anyone accomplished this already?

I am trying to use jQuery to handle this on blur() or focus() so that as they are tabbing through the fields another row is added automatically. My problem is that when using click() the focus on the field is lost so the user is forced to grab their mouse to click the next field anyhow.

The ideal workflow would be to tab through, auto add row and never leave focus of the current selected field.

Instead of simulating the click with jQuery, it may be better to use the content_multigroup_add_more_js function but I do not know what values it's expecting. Could someone else me with that?


vishalchavda’s picture


I am also looking for a similar use case for my website, where i would like to automatically add a text field when the user tabs out from the current text field.

Can you please share on how you achieved this using JQuery. Any support will be much appreciated.

