for some reason, any time i add breadcrumb links to a content type, it causes the comment form provided by the Disqus module to not show up. there is an option asking how to display the comment form. when the inline option is selected, it does display fine. however, when displaying the comments in a block, it doesn't show up. i'm actually not sure if this would be an issue for node_breadcrumb or disqus.


edhel’s picture

Try to change weight of node_breadcrumb module in database in table "system". Set weight 1 or greater.

Later I will test Disqus with node_breadcrumb module.

edhel’s picture

Module's weight can't help at this case.

But you can fix disqus.module, function disqus_block, line ~297, after code:

      case 'disqus_comments':
        if ((variable_get('disqus_location', 'content_area') == 'block') && user_access('view disqus comments')) {
          $item = menu_get_item();

add code:

          if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric($nid = arg(1)) && arg(2) == '') $item = array('path' => 'node/%', 'page_arguments' => array(node_load($nid)));

It's feature)