I'm having a problem getting drupal to get along with other web applications that I have running on my server.

If I set session.auto_start to 0, the site works perfectly, but other php apps refuse to work at all.

If I set it to 1, everything but drupal works.

Is there a workaround for this?



fnord’s picture

I tried creating a .htaccess file in the root folder of drupal, but it isn't working either.



Is there any way around this requirement? It keeps drupal from getting along with any other app I've ever tried, including squirrelmail and a bunch of others as well. Getting a bit frustrating...

fnord’s picture

I couldn't get the .htaccess directives to override what was in php.ini, but I discovered that you can override them in your virtualhost directives in httpd.conf.

You can just set:

php_value session.auto_start 1

within your virtualhost directive, restart apache and you're good to go.

Kjartan’s picture

You set it in .htaccess as well, just have to use the same syntax as you used for the httpd.conf, and not php.ini.

The reason session auto start won't work with Drupal is that we use a custom session handler, but if auto start is enabled those handlers aren't registered before the session starts.


zofran’s picture

i hope better session.auto_start to 0. For all.