
  1. Place the jCarousel Lite module with all its files under modules/jcarousellite.
  2. Enable the module in 'Administer -> Site configuration -> Modules' and set access control as you like in 'Administer -> User management -> Access control.'
  3. You must then enable one or more node types to be able to use jCarousel Lite Node. You can do this by navigating to 'Administer -> Content management -> Content types' and selecting a node type from the list. Once there, change Enable jCarousel Lite from disabled to enabled. Now, when you edit any node of the type where you enabled jCarousel Lite, you will find jCarousel Lite settings which you can edit.
  4. For views integration, make sure you have Views module enabled then create a view and choose 'jCarousel Lite View' from the Views 'view type' drop-down.


Overriding/disable default arrows:
Simply copy views-view-jcarousellite.tpl.php to your theme's directory and change or remove the arrows. Make sure you clear Drupal cache afterwards.