
The global project usage stats are highly misleading.

We are in a Drupal 8 mainstream world and still show global totals, while the Drupal 8 usage is only 19% of the Drupal 7 usage.

Instead of history data, the usage project should allow a researcher to understand what is relevant now:
The list should be filtered for Drupal 8 only by default.
With Drupal 8 being only a small fraction of the total, it is impossible to understand the Drupal 8 situation currently.
Also, the landscape is significantly different with many modules in core, some unported and a shifted target audience.
My key question i tried to answer was: What is the current rank of Paragraphs in Drupal 8?

Chances are that this misleading information is also limiting adoption of nowadays important modules.

Proposed resolution

Filter that list by default for Drupal 8 only releases.
We can still provide a tab with global total data.

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes


miro_dietiker created an issue. See original summary.

drumm’s picture

Project: customizations » Project
Version: 7.x-3.x-dev » 7.x-2.x-dev
Component: User interface » Usage statistics

This page is generated by the project_usage module.

What is the current rank of Paragraphs in Drupal 8?

The project browsing pages can be sorted by usage and filtered by core compatibility:

If I counted correctly, Paragraphs is the 8th most installed D8 module.

miro_dietiker’s picture

Thank you, this is very helpful information.
I completely forgot about this approach and will further promote this list as popularity indication.

BG: I recently wrote an update on Paragraphs
The number #8 makes a HUGE difference to the global rank #123.

thorandre’s picture

+1 on this! I totally agree. Having Drupal 8 as a default filter makes sense.

Pasqualle’s picture

Title: Filter usage for Drupal 8 by default » Sort modules page by usage on latest Drupal core version

I think the sort is wrong not fully correct on modules page.

For example when filtering by Drupal core 9, field_group module is before paragraphs. But counting the usage per module releases which are compatible with Drupal 9 the paragraphs module has more uses.
Same with Token vs CTools. CTools seems to have much more uses on Drupal 9, despite being on the second place after Token. Token 1.6+ and CTolls 3.4+ are D9 compatible.

As I see the usage statistics does not even store where the module is used when a module supports multiple core versions. I guess that needs to be solved first to achieve correct sort.

Then the "Sort by" could have more options
"Most installed"
"Most installed on Drupal 7"
"Most installed on Drupal 9" (default sort)
"Most installed on Drupal 10"