This documentation is for the Drupal 6 of Google Analytics Reports. For Drupal 7, click here.


The reports module requires OAuth, Chart, and Autoload. Additionally, your web host must have the OpenSSL PHP extension enabled.

After installing the module, assign the permissions 'administer google analytics reports' and 'access google analytics reports' as needed. Then visit admin/settings/google-analytics-reports to authenticate with Google. The bundled reports are available at admin/reports/google-analytics and via two blocks.

Suggested modules

Having a single, canonical URL for every page will help ensure the accuracy of per-page reports. Installing the Global Redirect or Redirect module is suggested.

Customizing reports

Reports can be customized in several ways:

Preparing your custom report

The best way to brainstorm your perfect report is to use Google's Data Feed Query Explorer. This tool will give you all the fields you need, and help you debug query issues.

The primary API consists of two functions: google_analytics_api_report_data() and google_analytics_api_account_data(). Other helper functions should be considered private, and may change as the UI evolves.

Understand Chart API and Google Charts

Study the examples offered by the Drupal Chart API module located within the Chart API Examples. In addition, Google offers the Chart Wizard, which is a very advanced and helpful tool.


Here are a few examples to get you started. We're always welcoming additions for this page in our issue queue.

   * Line chart showing the average time spent by 
   * mobile users on your site over the past month.
  $data = array();
  $dates = array();
  $params = array(
    'metrics' => array('ga:avgTimeOnPage'),
    'dimensions' => array('ga:date'),
    'segment' => 'gaid::-11',
    'sort_metric' => array('ga:date'),
    'start_date' => strtotime('-31 days'),
    'end_date' => strtotime('-1 day'),
  $feed = google_analytics_api_report_data($params);
  if ($feed->error) {
    return FALSE;
  foreach ($feed->results as $row) {
    $data[] = $row['avgTimeOnPage'];
    $dates[] = date('d M ', strtotime($row['date']));

  $chart = array(
    '#chart_id' => 'mychartid',
    '#data' => $data,
    '#type' => CHART_TYPE_LINE . ':nda',
    '#size' => chart_size(1000, 80),
    '#adjust_resolution' => TRUE,
    '#data_colors' => array('AAAAAA'),
    '#chart_fill' => chart_fill('bg', '00000000'),
    '#shape_markers' => array(chart_shape_marker(0, 0, 'B', 0, $color = 'EEEEEE')),
    '#line_styles' => array(chart_line_style(2, 10, 0)),
  /* Generally speaking, your metric will will be your Y axis... */
  $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_Y_LEFT][0][] = chart_mixed_axis_range_label(0, max($data));
  /* ... and your dimensions will be your X axis. */
  foreach ($dates as $date) {
    $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_X_BOTTOM][1][] = chart_mixed_axis_label($date);
  $output = chart_render($chart);
   * Pie chart showing the top 10 browsers of new
   * visitors over the past month.
  $params = array(
    'metrics' => array('ga:visits'),
    'dimensions' => array('ga:browser'),
    'segment' => 'gaid::-2',
    'sort_metric' => array('-ga:visits'),
    'start_date' => strtotime('-31 days'),
    'end_date' => strtotime('-1 day'),
    'max_results' => 10,
  $feed = google_analytics_api_report_data($params);
  if ($feed->error) {
    return FALSE;
  foreach ($feed->results as $row) {
    $data[] = $row['visits'];
    $browsers[] = $row['browser'];
  $chart = array(
    '#chart_id' => 'mychartid',
    '#data' => $data,
    '#type' => CHART_TYPE_PIE,
    '#size' => chart_size(400, 200),
    '#data' => $data,
    '#labels' => $browsers,
  $output = chart_render($chart);

Related modules

There are several other contributed modules that make use of the API:

Have examples?

If you have examples for this page, please submit them via an issue.