Overview of migrate source plugins

Last updated on
19 May 2022

Migration source plugins are responsible for fetching the data from the source.

The source key of the migration plugin defines which source plugin the migration uses. The value is an associative array containing the name of the source plugin and the configuration for it. Some source plugins might not have any configurations. The code snippet below is part of the Drupal 6 to Drupal 8 node migration definition. It defines that the migration uses the 'd6_node' source plugin.

  plugin: d6_node

Drupal 8 core and contributed modules provide several source plugins for most common use cases, for example migrating from CSV, JSON or XML. Refer to the other pages on this same handbook section for usage examples. 

If you need to write a custom source plugin:

Migrate Map Field Options

For every migration the migrate module creates a table that contains various rows of data. This usually takes the name form migrate_map_name_of_your_migration.  Each row contains a variety of columns that are used to map your imports and also contains some additional info such as date last imported, rollback action, destination id etc. This will also include both your source id hash, and the original source id used to generate the hash. By default you size of the text field set to store your original key defaults to tiny or 255 chars. If your source id/key (ids if using and array of keys) is longer you are likely to get an exception during import along the lines of `Data too long for column 'sourceid1' at row 1`. In this event you can pass additional field storage options as those are returned by the FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::getSettings() Class/method at the same level as the required state key: value. For example this will allow you to increase the default max_length of the field storage value defined in your database. 

Here is a working example that also uses url plugin as provided by the Migration Plus module. Please note that in addition to the required type value of the 'id' associative array I have also added the max_length key and value to ensure that the newly created sourceid1 column will be able to accommodate value up to this length limit.

  plugin: url
  data_fetcher_plugin: http
  data_parser_plugin: simple_xml
  urls: 'https://news.google.com/rss/search?q=feed&hl=en-GB'

  item_selector: /rss/channel/item
      name: id
      label: ID
      selector: id
      name: title
      label: Title
      selector: title

      type: string
      max_length: 1024

For additional info about fine tuning the migrate map source table value, please see MigrateSourceInterface::getIds(); 

Migrate API track_changes option

Setting the track_changes option to TRUE will cause each incoming source row to be hashed and, if previously imported, compared to the previous value to determine whether the item should be re-imported. This is used to import changed as well as new records from the source.

The Migration Plugin example below shows how the 'track_changes' option can be enabled as a configuration option in the 'source' phase.

id: test_migration
label: "Test migration"
migration_group: test_migration_group
  plugin: SOME_PLUGIN
  # Enable "track changes" feature.
  track_changes: true
    plugin: default_value
    default_value: article
    plugin: default_value
    default_value: 1
    plugin: default_value
    default_value: 1
  title: source_title
  plugin: entity:node
migration_dependencies: {}

Note: The drush migrate-import --update option is similar but as opposed to the method described above it forces an update for all rows.

Which migrate source plugins can you use?

Use drush to get a list of migrate source plugins:

$ drush ev "print_r(\Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migrate.source')->getDefinitions());"

Or to get a list of just the keys of the migrate source plugins:

$ drush ev "print_r(array_keys(\Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migrate.source')->getDefinitions()));"

When you do this command with a fairly new drupal site you might only get a few  plugins like this:

    [0] => empty
    [1] => embedded_data
    [2] => table
    [3] => url

However, when you enable several of the example modules like: Migrate Drupal UI, Migrate Example, Migrate Example (Advanced), Migrate Drupal, Migrate Example Setup, Migrate Advanced Example Setup, RESTful Web Services, Serialization.  Then you will (might) get more example source plugins like these:

    [0] => block
    [1] => d7_block_translation
    [2] => d6_block_translation
    [3] => d7_block_custom
    [4] => d7_block_custom_translation
    [5] => d6_box_translation
    [6] => d6_box
    [7] => d7_color
    [8] => d7_comment_entity_translation
    [9] => d7_comment
    [10] => comment_type
    [11] => d6_comment
    [12] => contact_settings
    [13] => contact_category
    [14] => d7_field_instance_per_form_display
    [15] => d7_field
    [16] => d7_field_option_translation
    [17] => d7_field_instance_per_view_mode
    [18] => d7_field_instance_label_description_translation
    [19] => d7_view_mode
    [20] => d7_field_instance
    [21] => d6_field_instance_per_form_display
    [22] => d6_field
    [23] => d6_field_option_translation
    [24] => d6_field_instance_per_view_mode
    [25] => d6_field_instance_label_description_translation
    [26] => d6_field_instance_option_translation
    [27] => d6_field_instance
    [28] => d7_file
    [29] => d6_file
    [30] => d6_upload_instance
    [31] => d6_upload
    [32] => d7_filter_format
    [33] => d6_filter_format
    [34] => d7_image_styles
    [35] => d6_imagecache_presets
    [36] => menu_link
    [37] => d7_menu_link_localized
    [38] => d7_menu_link_translation
    [39] => d6_menu_link_translation
    [40] => empty
    [41] => embedded_data
    [42] => variable
    [43] => content_entity:block_content
    [44] => content_entity:comment
    [45] => content_entity:contact_message
    [46] => content_entity:file
    [47] => content_entity:menu_link_content
    [48] => content_entity:node
    [49] => content_entity:path_alias
    [50] => content_entity:shortcut
    [51] => content_entity:taxonomy_term
    [52] => content_entity:user
    [53] => d7_variable_translation
    [54] => d6_variable_translation
    [55] => md_empty
    [56] => variable_multirow
    [57] => d8_config
    [58] => beer_comment
    [59] => beer_term
    [60] => beer_node
    [61] => beer_user
    [62] => wine_term
    [63] => table
    [64] => url
    [65] => d7_node_entity_translation
    [66] => d7_node
    [67] => d7_node_type
    [68] => d7_node_revision
    [69] => d7_node_complete
    [70] => d6_node
    [71] => d6_node_type
    [72] => d6_view_mode
    [73] => d6_node_revision
    [74] => d6_node_complete
    [75] => d7_url_alias
    [76] => d6_url_alias
    [77] => d7_rdf_mapping
    [78] => d7_search_page
    [79] => d6_search_page
    [80] => d7_shortcut
    [81] => d7_shortcut_set
    [82] => d7_shortcut_set_users
    [83] => menu
    [84] => d7_menu_translation
    [85] => d7_theme_settings
    [86] => extension
    [87] => d7_taxonomy_term_translation
    [88] => d7_taxonomy_vocabulary_translation
    [89] => d7_term_localized_translation
    [90] => d7_taxonomy_vocabulary
    [91] => d7_taxonomy_term_entity_translation
    [92] => d7_taxonomy_term
    [93] => d6_term_node
    [94] => d6_taxonomy_vocabulary_translation
    [95] => d6_term_localized_translation
    [96] => d6_taxonomy_vocabulary_per_type
    [97] => d6_taxonomy_vocabulary
    [98] => d6_term_node_revision
    [99] => d6_taxonomy_term
    [100] => update_settings
    [101] => d7_user
    [102] => d7_user_entity_translation
    [103] => d7_user_role
    [104] => user_picture_instance
    [105] => d6_user
    [106] => d6_profile_field_option_translation
    [107] => d6_user_picture_file
    [108] => d6_user_picture
    [109] => d6_user_role
    [110] => d6_profile_field_values
    [111] => profile_field

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