Drupal 7

In order to translate the faq configuration strings, such as the text for the "Back to Top" link and the page title, please install the i18n: internationalization and variable modules. Ensure you enable "variable", "i18n" and "i18n_variable" (Variable translation) modules.

Then do the following:

  1. Set up your languages at Admin -> Configuration -> Regional and language -> Languages (admin/config/regional/language)
  2. Go to Admin ->Configuration -> Regional and language -> Mulitlingual settings (admin/config/regional/i18n) and click on the 'Variables' tab
  3. There you can select the variables you wish to translate. Enable all the ones you wish to modify (they begin with "FAQ" for the FAQ module) and save
  4. Navigate back to the FAQ configuration page at admin/config/content/faq
  5. There you can set the values for the FAQ title and description in the site's default language.
  6. At the top there will be a language selector, switch to another language by clicking on the appropriate link.
  7. Then configure the strings for that language and save
  8. When you visit the faq page and toggle between languages your variables should update accordingly.

If you have any problems with the above, be sure to clear your caches and test again before opening a support request in the issue queue.

Drupal 5 and 6

In order to translate the faq configuration strings, such as the text for the "Back to Top" link and the page title, please install the i18n: internationalization module and follow the instructions at Multilingual variables (Drupal 5) and Multilingual variables (Drupal 6). The "i18n_variables" you will need to configure for the faq module are:

  • faq_title - the page title
  • faq_description - the general FAQ page descriptive text
  • faq_question_label - the question label (e.g. Q:)
  • faq_answer_label - the answer label (e.g A:)
  • faq_back_to_top - the text for the "Back to Top" link

Drupal 6 Example - FAQ Title and Description Tweak

1. Set the variables as described in this tutorial. The part "this is a multilingual variable" will not appear but we don't mind.

2. Run cron. And flushing caches is always useful to get things moving.

The development setting in browser of "disable caches" is not the same and refers just to your browser - not the drupal caches - so both is required.

Otherwise the changes to settings.php and probably to content type FAQ will not register.

3. In Drupal 6, go to admin--> content management --> content types --> faq --> edit and under "workflow settings" choose for "extended language support" choice no2 "Extended - All defined languages will be allowed", then "save".

4. Go to the "frequently asked questions" in the admin page and switch to the language you need to translate.

e.g. If you are using english and you already saved this part as faq_title "Frequently Asked questions", switch to the other language (e.g. "Greek") and replace the faq_title (or description) with the language you wish. Click "Save"

see your variable table in your database if you need to be sure

and enjoy the results ;)