JavaScript best practices

Last updated on
16 October 2020

Note: Changes to Drupal coding standards are proposed and discussed in issues in the Coding Standards project.

This page covers DOM and Drupal specific code styles.

JavaScript code placement

JavaScript code SHOULD NOT be embedded in the HTML where possible, as it adds significantly to page weight with no opportunity for mitigation by caching and compression.

Beginner's note aside: "In Drupal 7, there are four primary methods of adding JavaScript to Drupal." See Managing JavaScript in Drupal 7.

Use literal expressions

Code SHOULD use literal expressions instead of the new operator:

  • Use [] instead of new Array()
  • Use {} instead of new Object()

It is RECOMMENDED to use literal expressions instead of the wrapper forms new Number, new String, new Boolean in situations where the literal expression is the same. However, you MAY use object instances in which it matters:

var literalNum = 0;
var objectNum = new Number(0);
if (literalNum) { } // false because 0 is a false value, will not be executed.
if (objectNum) { }  // true because objectNum exists as an object, will be executed.
if (objectNum.valueOf()) { } // false because the value of objectNum is 0.

"with" statement

The with statement MUST NOT be used, since it is not possible to use with with enabled strict mode.

Instead, you SHOULD use the explicit longer version: = true; = true;

Alternatively, you MAY use references:

var o =; = true; = true;

Avoiding unreachable code

To prevent unreachable code, a return, break, continue, or throw statement SHOULD be followed by a } or case or default.

eval() is evil

eval() SHOULD NOT be used.

The browser has to create an entirely new scripting environment (just like creating a new web page), import all variables from the current scope, execute the script, collect the result, and export the variables back into the original environment. Additionally, the code cannot be cached for optimization purposes. It is both the most powerful and most misused method in JavaScript.

Note that JavaScript implicitly uses eval() for some other language constructs.

You SHOULD NOT use the Function constructor, and you SHOULD NOT pass strings to setTimeout() or setInterval().

Preventing XSS

All output to the browser that has been provided by a user SHOULD be escaped through Drupal.checkPlain() first.

This is similar to Drupal's PHP check_plain() and encodes special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML.

Modifying the DOM

When adding new HTML elements to the DOM, you SHOULD NOT use document.createElement().

For cross-browser compatibility reasons and also in an effort to reduce file size, you SHOULD use the jQuery equivalent.

this.popup = $('<div id="autocomplete"></div>')[0];

Avoid this:

this.popup = document.createElement('div'); = 'autocomplete';

Drupal 6 (and later) Specific Stuff

Drupal 6 saw the introduction of JavaScript theming and translation of JavaScript files.


There is a theming mechanism for JavaScript code. Any modules containing JavaScript which produces HTML content MUST provide default theme functions in the Drupal.theme.prototype namespace.

String Translation

All strings in JavaScript files SHOULD be wrapped in Drupal.t(), which is an equivalent of the well-known t() function.

Likewise, there is an equivalent to format_plural(), named Drupal.formatPlural().

Their parameter order is exactly like their server-side counterparts.

See also:

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