The Planners Network has a simple mission:

We want to assist you in your planning for a financially comfortable retirement.

A few years ago, we came to the realization that we can do something to address the 'lost decade' of the 2000s that has impacted the retirement savings of boomers, gen-x'ers and anyone who wants to plan a comfortable retirement. What is a comfortable retirement? The answer depends on your circumstance, but it can be distilled to this: "simply maintaining a state of financial well being". Once you retire, you should be free from worry about providing for yourself, your family and your children.

The Planners Network
Why Drupal was chosen: 

We developed an earlier version of this site several years ago with Plone/Zope. Drupal has come such a long way since then that we now have all the functionality of that CMS, plus a much richer development framework.

Technical specifications

Key modules/theme/distribution used: 
Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 

Twitter-bootstrap is our choice for css frameworks, so this theme made perfect sense and is easy to modify.

Banking and Financial