I get this error when using the groups ui to search for a non existant user, e.g. /group/node/205/admin/people?state=All&uid=doesnotexist


RoySegall’s picture

Are you able to reproduce this on a clean OG installation? I can't. If you able to reproduce this on a clean OG you can please supply screen shot or a more specific way to reproduce.

StephenRobinson’s picture

This occurs when you go to /group/node/%nid/admin/people?state=1&uid=cantfindme when you hit the apply button for an uinknown user.

StephenRobinson’s picture

filter : Missing text format: filtered_html.

StephenRobinson’s picture

This is because yopu are sending the name of the format which is wrong, you need to send the id of the format.

function check_markup($text, $format_id = NULL, $langcode = '', $cache = FALSE) {


  if (!$format = filter_format_load($format_id)) {
    watchdog('filter', 'Missing text format: %format.', array('%format' => $format_id), WATCHDOG_ALERT);
    return '';
StephenRobinson’s picture

erm also this is the wrong format, it should be plain text for a textfield...

StephenRobinson’s picture

If you just remove the offending line

// $handler->display->display_options['empty']['area']['format'] = 'filtered_html';

It works correctly as

  if (!isset($format_id)) {
    $format_id = filter_fallback_format();

Will load the correct default plain text format.