
I came across AET (Advanced Entity Tokens) module today and though I haven't had a chance to use it (yet), the module states that it provides a sub-module called "AET Insert" that allows you to use a UI to create a token for inserting an Entity into a text field.

Pretty darned cool!

It occurred to me that Media module (Media Browser in specific) provides a WYSIWYG plugin/button that allows you to insert Media into a WYSIWYG field.

Wouldn't it be cool to do something similar with Tokens/AET?

I didn't know where this request would make more sense - in AET or here in WYSIWYG but I just wanted to put it out there.

I'm a rather noob-ish developer otherwise I'd try taking on this challenge on my own. Maybe if someone can confirm whether something like this is even possible and if so, maybe provide some insight into the hooks/code-flow that would be needed, I think I could at least try approaching the maintainer of AET to see if they're interested.



anandkp’s picture


Just noticed this module when looking deeper into this: Token Insert. I haven't tried it yet, but maybe this already does what I created this issue for.

Will test it out and come back with my findings... :o)