Drupal 6 and now Drupal 7 are unable to send any form of mail from my server. I have read through many, many mail problems but none seemed to quite fit the description.

Here is my configuration:

CentOS 6.2
PHP 5.3.3

I am able to use both sendmail and php's mail function to send mail.

Whenever a user registers or I try to send myself a recovery email, I am given this fairly useless error:
Error sending e-mail (from exaple@mydomain.com to example2@someonesemail.com)

I have traced the code all the way to system.mail.inc where this code of block is being executed:

if (!isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Win32') === FALSE) {
      if (isset($message['Return-Path']) && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
        // On most non-Windows systems, the "-f" option to the sendmail command
        // is used to set the Return-Path. There is no space between -f and
        // the value of the return path.
        $mail_result = @mail(
          '-f' . $message['Return-Path']

Essentially the mail function is being called but not succeeding. I even tried sending a simpler mail, with less arguments (no success):

if (!isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Win32') === FALSE) {
      if (isset($message['Return-Path']) && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
        // On most non-Windows systems, the "-f" option to the sendmail command
        // is used to set the Return-Path. There is no space between -f and
        // the value of the return path.
        $mail_result = @mail('example2@someonesemail.com', 'My Subject', 'Hello World');

As previously stated, this by itself works:

@mail('example2@someonesemail.com', 'My Subject', 'Hello World');

It's probably some type of configuration issue but I can't seem to track it down... Any help would truly be appreciated.


Arturo Aparicio


payaso1831’s picture

I solved this problem. It is a configuration issue, as I suspected. In my case it had to do with SELinux.


Disable it temporarily to test if you have the same issue.

Make sure to enable it and properly configure it.

To check your current sendmail status
[root@webserver ~]# sestatus -b | grep sendmail

Change it to this if it is off
setsebool httpd_can_sendmail=1

daveiano’s picture

Thanks a lot! I´ve got in trouble with this problem for 2 days... Your Post is saving my week :)