On the Google Blog ( http://www.google.com/googleblog/2005/01/preventing-comment-spam.html ) there was a post about their idea for dealing with comment spam. Basically render comment spam useless by encouraging web sites to use the tag rel="nofollow" on any links within a comment area. They're more interested in cms and blogging apps to grab hold of the idea than for each individual to do it themselves.

The groups already on board are:

Brad Fitzpatrick - LiveJournal

Dave Winer - Scripting News

Anil Dash - Six Apart

Steve Jenson - Blogger

Matt Mullenweg - WordPress

Stewart Butterfield - Flickr

Anthony Batt - Buzznet

David Czarnecki - blojsom

Rael Dornfest - Blosxom

Mike Torres - MSN Spaces

It looks like MSN Search and Yahoo! are on board as well (!)

So anyone interesting in getting Drupal doing this too?


Steven’s picture

See: http://drupal.org/node/15847

If you have a problem, please search before posting a question.