Content migrated from D6 CCK "Node References" to D7 "References" fields pulls along the state of the content filtering View too perfectly. If no filtering View display is associated with a Reference, then the previous value is retained. That value is "--" (double dash). If one does not have any Views created with reference displays, no dropdown to select "<none>" is available to fix this in the field editor of the given content type.

Result message:

The list of nodes that can be referenced can provided by a view (Views module) using the "References" display type.

Important D6 migration note:
The field is currently configured to use the 'Master' display of the view --.
It is highly recommended that you:
- edit this view and create a new display using the 'References' display type,
- update the field settings to explicitly select the correct view and display.
The field will work correctly until then, but submitting this form might inadvertently change the field settings.

The side-effect of this is problems deep in Views on a node Save when it tries to look for a display of "reference_1" that does not exist. And then content cannot be updated.

Proposed behavior - Content Migrate should chose "<none>" instead of "--"

Workaround - I created a throwaway View with a reference display just so that I could choose ""<none>"" in the field View filter setting of the content type's field - then dumped the throwaway View.

I apologize if this is a References module problem and not a CCK Content Migrate problem.


toshic’s picture

А где его можно скачать?

toshic’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Markup correction.

mvc’s picture

I have this problem too. No need to create a throwaway view; you can edit the field settings and just click "save" right away with the default option "none" selected.