Hi all,

This great forum has provided me with most of my questions; I wish all sites had such great search functionalities. I couldn't however find an answer to this question though: How to pivot the profile_values tables?

Short version: How to pivot the profile_values table so that it's laid out horizontally like this: [ uid | value1 | value2 | ... | valueX ] instead of vertically as it is now?

Long version: I have to build up a table containg information about a user, and only one record should be used pr. user. I need the values in the profile_values table as part of this as it contains demographic information. Therefore I believe I need to pivot the table and have settled for an approach I've used before: "put null in a value field unless it equals an indexing number and finally group by id" (which might not be a good way of doing it, and I welcome suggestions of doing it another way). However, when I put this SQL into a .inc file it just doesn't work and the MySQL error message is of little help saying "refer to the manual". So I was wondering if anyone have already done this (pivoting the profile_values table that is) and would like to share the SQL? This is the SQL statement I think would work:

SELECT uid, group_concat(if(fid = 1, value, null)) AS Birthday,
            group_concat(if(fid = 2, value, null)) AS Gender,
            group_concat(if(fid = 3, value, null)) AS `Job Title`
FROM profile_values

But how to represent this in Drupal? Probably like this but I'm not sure:

SELECT p.uid, group_concat(if(p.fid = 1, p.value, null)) Birthday,
            group_concat(if(p.fid = 2, p.value, null)) Gender,
            group_concat(if(p.fid = 3, p.value, null)) `Job Title`
FROM {profile_values} p
GROUP BY p.uid;

Thanks for any help and I hope it'll help others too.


fjelds’s picture

"provided me with most of my questions" should read "provided me with answers to most of my questions" :-)

fjelds’s picture

Here's the solution. It's a bit of hard coding, if I have the need then one day I will generize it (or if someone asks for it).

Lets assume you have bday, gender, country, state and city data collected in your profile_values table like this:

[ uid | fieldname | value ]
[  1  |    bday   |   x1  ]
[  1  |   gender  |   x2  ]
[  1  |  country  |   x3  ]
[  1  |    state  |   x4  ]
[  1  |     city  |   x5  ]
[  2  |    bday   |   y1  ]
[  2  |   gender  |   y2  ]
[  2  |  country  |   y3  ]
[  2  |    state  |   y4  ]
[  2  |     city  |   y5  ]

Then if you want to retrieve this data on a pr. user record basis like this

[ uid | bday   | gender | country | state |  city  ]
[  1  |   x1   |   x2   |    x3   |  x4   |   x5   ]
[  2  |   y1   |   y2   |    y3   |  y4   |   y5   ]

... then you can use the following sql and then just pick out the data from the node.

$query = "
      SELECT   u.uid uid,
               u.name name,
               pv.bday bday,
               pv.gender gender,
               pv.country country,
               pv.state state,
               pv.city city
      FROM     {users} u
      INNER JOIN (
          SELECT p_v.uid uid,
          GROUP_CONCAT(if(p_v.fid = 1, p_v.value, NULL)) bday,
          GROUP_CONCAT(if(p_v.fid = 2, p_v.value, NULL)) gender,
          GROUP_CONCAT(if(p_v.fid = 3, p_v.value, NULL)) country,
          GROUP_CONCAT(if(p_v.fid = 4, p_v.value, NULL)) state,
          GROUP_CONCAT(if(p_v.fid = 5, p_v.value, NULL)) city
          FROM {profile_values} p_v
          GROUP BY p_v.uid) pv ON u.uid = pv.uid
      GROUP BY u.name

  // Execute the query while limiting the number of results
  $nblimit = 10; // max nodes to show, edit this value
  $result = db_query_range($query, 0, $nblimit);

  // Defines the 3 columns of our table
  $headers = array(

  // Initializes the rows
  $rows = array();

  // Loop over each found nodes
  while ($node = db_fetch_object($result))
    // Add a row to our table
    $editLink = ($node->uid == $currentUid)?l(t('edit'), 'node/'. $node->nid .'/edit'):'';
    $rows[] = array(
      l($node->name, 'user/'. $node->uid),

It is likely that you have different information stored so what you do is you look at your profile_fields table to see which fid match to which field name and take a note of that. Then in the INNER JOIN SELECT statement you create a GROUP_CONCAT(if(p_v.fid = X, p_v.value, NULL)) fieldname, for each fid (without the last comma for the last GROUP_CONCAT line), where X corresponds to the fid number and the fieldname is the actual name you want to refer to it as.

jleflar23’s picture

I'm very curious how you would genericize this statement to expand regardless of the number of additional fields. I currently have 19 custom profile fields (and growing). Also, I have several early users who did not have to fill in the full profile information, and the only way to get them to show up is to use a LEFT JOIN.

dhaval2010’s picture

hiiiii can you please tell me how to add this code in with html code?