Upgrading Zen 7.x-3.x

Last updated on
7 December 2017

Drupal 7 will no longer be supported after January 5, 2025. Learn more and find resources for Drupal 7 sites

If you followed the directions for creating a sub-theme, you will NOT have edited any files in the Zen directory and should only have modified files in your sub-theme's directory. So upgrading to the latest Zen will be easy.

  1. If you are replacing the Zen theme on a live server, place your site in maintenance mode.
  2. Download the latest Zen from http://drupal.org/project/zen
  3. Remove the zen folder from your Drupal installation.
  4. Unpack the downloaded file and place the new zen folder in your Drupal installation in the same place as the previous zen theme used to be.
  5. Turn off maintenance mode.

Upgrading Zen from 7.x-3.0 to 7.x-3.1

There are a handful issues that were fixed in 7.x-3.1 that may require you to update your sub-theme. Sub-theme authors should check each of the issues in Zen 7.x-3.1’s change records and modify their sub-theme if appropriate.

Upgrading Zen from 7.x-3.1 to 7.x-3.2

There are a handful issues that were fixed in 7.x-3.2 that may require you to update your sub-theme. Sub-theme authors should check each of the issues in Zen 7.x-3.2’s change records and modify their sub-theme if appropriate.

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