When CCK Signup is disabled, it removes Signup and Event content types, but the CCK fields become orphaned in the database. Those field names can never be used again. This describes the issue in D7 #838022: Deleting a content type leaves orphaned fields, but it is a long-standing issue in D6 as well.

There is a catch-22 issue here. The fields have to be deleted before the content type is deleted, but the .install file with the un-install function can't be run until after the module is disabled, which removes the content types. My workaround is to manually delete the fields before disabling the module.


DrewMathers’s picture

The workaround mentioned above has a strange side effect. When CCK Signup is re-enabled, the Event and Signup content types are recreated, but without any CCK fields.

jhedstrom’s picture

This is most likely an issue with features, upon which the CCK Signup Basic feature is built: #723636: Disabling feature disables content type.

DrewMathers’s picture