Create a new module that allows for help to appear in a modal frame instead of in a popup


robertDouglass’s picture

We discussed this on the phone and the approach is to add a drupal_alter call to the $element that comes in when the links get made. This will allow the sub module or any other 3rd party module to react to the help link being added. In this case some JS is being added to hijack the display of the help text and put it into the modal.

e2thex’s picture

The attached patch adds the drupal_alter to the help inject element alter.

It adds the following line
drupal_alter('helpinject_help_link_element', $element, $form_id);

e2thex’s picture

The drupal_alter is now commit to 6.x

chrisschaub’s picture

But does this approach work for the exported help? Or only for the help while it's being built. The drupal_alter is not exported in the module files, only in the forms when linking up the help. Which makes sense because helpinject does not run on the site after the help has been created.