Message to contrib maintainer who hasn't responded to our report

Last updated on
28 February 2024

Subject: Response required on security issue in a module you maintain


We have contacted you about a possible vulnerability in [project_name]. However, we don't have a record of any response. Please verify the reported vulnerability and let us know whether the vulnerability exists. If it is a valid vulnerability, please upload a patch and draft a Security Advisory using the tools on the private issue.

You have been granted access to the private issue at[nid] where you will find more details about the vulnerability.

Please do NOT commit any code right away! We invite you to suggest a fix by uploading a patch or reviewing any existing patch if one exists for the issue. The security team will assist you if you have questions and ensure that the patch is valid from a security standpoint. Please keep this vulnerability a secret so as not to jeopardize the sites using this module.

If we confirm the vulnerability exists but receive no response from you within the next 2 weeks, we will assume the project is not maintained, unpublish all releases, and mark the project page as abandoned.

Kind regards,

[profile_fullname] on behalf of the Drupal Security Team

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