Layout Builder + Features

Last updated on
7 February 2024

The Layout Builder + module takes the core Drupal Layout Builder and transforms it into a more powerful, intuitive, and user-friendly page builder. It retains the familiar aspects of the core Layout Builder while introducing significant enhancements:

User Interface and Experience

  • WYSIWYG Editing: The clean, intuitive UI mirrors your page’s final appearance, offering a true 'What You See Is What You Get' experience.
  • Enhanced Block Selection: A sidebar filled with visually descriptive block icons allows for easy identification and selection. Additional blocks are just a search or scroll away.
  • Drag-and-Drop Convenience: Place blocks precisely where you want them with simple drag-and-drop actions.
  • Auto-Generated Content: Blocks automatically populate with content, providing a realistic preview as you build.

Workflow Efficiency

  • Reduced Steps for Block Addition: Streamline your workflow with fewer clicks. The intuitive design means you spend less time searching for and configuring blocks.
  • True-to-Life Editing: The editing interface mirrors the final page, eliminating the need to switch views to see the end result.

Advanced Layout Features

  • Sortable Sections: Reorder your page layout with ease.
  • Block Duplication: Efficiently replicate blocks. No need to rebuild several similar blocks. Just duplicate it and tweak the new one!
  • Nested Layouts: Experience the most intuitive nested layout functionality available. Enter a nested layout, add blocks, and then treat the entire nested layout as a custom block. This approach simplifies managing complex designs.
  • 'Custom Block' Functionality: Treat nested layouts and their contained blocks as singular custom blocks. This enables easy movement, duplication, and modification – akin to a copy-and-paste workflow.
  • Section Library Integration: Save your sections and custom blocks and layouts for reuse. Easily apply them to other pages, ensuring consistency and saving time.


Layout Builder + is more than just layouts; it's a comprehensive tool that transforms the way you create and manage content in Drupal. Whether you're building simple pages or complex nested layouts, Layout Builder + provides the functionality and flexibility needed for efficient, intuitive, and creative web design.

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