Mac OS development environment

Recommendation: If you're just getting started, or looking for a recommendation, use DDEV (a Docker-based solution) for local Drupal development on Mac OS. Read more in the official Local Development Guide.

There are many different ways to meet Drupal's hosting requirements. The sub-sections of this guide provide documentation for some of the different setups common in the Drupal community.

HowTo: Create a local environment using MAMP

MAMP creates a local server environment on Mac OS X by installing PHP, MySQL, and Apache right out of the box. This will make Drupal much

Installing Drupal 7 on Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra)

Install Drupal7 in macOS High Sierra (10.13.6)

Postgres on Max OS X with MAMP

At the moment I'm running MAMP Pro, but the setup should work with MAMP free version as well.

HowTo: Installing ffmpeg-php extension for MAMP (Mac)

First of all point your php and phpize to your MAMP environment..

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