Run core development checks

Last updated on
6 October 2023


Since 9.2.x, tests on DrupalCI for Drupal core run a script to check code quality as part of core test runs. The script is core/scripts/dev/

This script makes the following checks on the files:

  • cspell - Checks spelling.
  • phpcs - Checks PHP coding standards.
  • eslint - Checks JavaScript coding standards.
  • stylelint - Checks CSS coding standards.
  • CSS & JS compiled file check - Verifies that the patch/merge request contains the correct changes for built CSS and JavaScript asset files.
  • vendor - Verifies that there are no changes to vendor as this is managed by Composer.
  • core/node_modules - Verifies that there are no changes to core/node_modules as this is managed by yarn.
  • file mode - Verifies that all files are file mode 644.
  • PHPStan - Performs static analysis on the code base to detect bugs.

When a patch or merge request fails testing and reports  "Custom Commands Failed", one or more of the above checks has failed.

Run the checks locally

You will need:

  • composer
  • nodejs version 18.0 or later, with npm and/or corepack
    • If you have an earlier version of nodejs, you may need to use nvm in order to obtain a newer version
  • yarn
    • via corepack if your version of nodejs includes corepack
    • via npm if your version of nodejs does not include corepack
  1. Ensure PHP and Javascript dependencies are up to date with their locked versions. Run from the Drupal root directory:
    composer install
    cd core
    yarn install
    cd ..
  2. The checks can be run locally. Here are some options.
    • Apply the change as a patch
      bash ./core/scripts/dev/
    • From the merge request branch
      bash ./core/scripts/dev/ --branch [BRANCH_TO MERGE_TO eg. 9.2.x]
    • If you've staged the changes.
      bash ./core/scripts/dev/ --cached

Add the command to a git pre-commit hook

You can use the command in a git pre-commit hook:

TOP_LEVEL=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel);
# Ensure the script exists. It was introduced in 9.2.x.
if [ -a "$TOP_LEVEL/core/scripts/dev/" ] ; then
  $TOP_LEVEL/core/scripts/dev/ --cached

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