Configuring Tombstones

Last updated on
6 August 2020

After installing Tombstones, it is important to configure it before use. Since use cases for Tombstones are likely to vary from site to site, no assumptions have been made about what type of content should have Tombstones created upon deletion, so by default no content types will result in Tombstones when deleted until the module is configured to do otherwise.

Configuring permissions

The first step in configuring the Tombstones module is to grant the administer tombstones settings permission to any role that should be able to change Tombstones settings. Admins have this permission by default, but any additional role that should have access to Tombstones settings needs to be granted this permission manually.

Configuring Tombstones settings

Pause Tombstone creation?

This setting, disabled by default, will stop the creation of new Tombstones when enabled. Enable this setting when performing deletion activities where Tombstone creation would be inappropriate, for example the batch deleting of nodes which will be recreated later.

Activate Tombstone node creation via Drupal node deletion hooks?

This setting, enabled by default, will trigger the creation of Tombstone nodes for any content type that has been configured for it through Drupal's node deletion hooks (in this case, tombstone_node_predelete() and tombstone_node_delete()). Disable this setting if you plan to use Tombstone in a different way, such as through a script or as part of a Views Bulk Operations action. These additional methods of Tombstone creation are made possible through the use of the module's services, but are not explicitly supported at this time.

What content types should get Tombstones on deletion?

This setting shows a list of all content types available in the Drupal system in which Tombstones is installed (except for the Tombstone content type) with a checkbox representing whether or not Tombstone nodes should be automatically created when nodes of said content type are deleted. All content types are disabled by default, so enable the ones that should have Tombstones created upon deletion.

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