Postoffice API: Events and BodyRenderer

Last updated on
30 November 2022

The \Symfony\Component\Mailer\Event\MessageEvent event is dispatched before an e-mail is handed off to the MTA. Postoffice comes with a set of subscribers for this event. Subscribing to the MessageEvent is the principal extension point for contrib and custom code.

When adding subscribers, it is recommended to choose the priority according to their purpose:

  1. Positive priority for subscribers to be run before any BodyRenderer.
  2. Priority 0 for any subscriber invoking a BodyRenderer.
  3. Priority -50 for twig extensions.
Event subscribers for MessageEvent
Module Priority
Module: Postoffice, Service: postoffice.body_subscriber
Class: \Symfony\Component\Mailer\EventListener\MessageListener
Invokes postoffice.body_renderer in order to render the body of messages implementing the \Drupal\postoffice\Email\ThemedEmailInterface
Module: Postoffice File, Service: postoffice_file.attachment_subscriber
Class: \Drupal\postoffice_file\EventSubscriber\FileAttachmentSubscriber
Attaches files supplied by the postoffice_file_attach_uri and postoffice_file_attach_entity twig filters.
Module: Postoffice Image, Service: postoffice_image.image_embed_subscriber
Class: \Drupal\postoffice_image\EventSubscriber\ImageEmbedSubscriber
Embeds images supplied by the postoffice_image_embed twig filter.
Module: Postoffice Twig, Service: postoffice_twig.subject_subscriber
Class: \Drupal\postoffice_twig\EventSubscriber\TwigSubjectSubscriber
Sets the subject supplied by the postoffice_subject twig filter.
Module: Postoffice Twig, Service: postoffice_twig.text_body_subscriber
Class: \Drupal\postoffice_twig\EventSubscriber\TwigTextBodySubscriber
Sets the text body supplied by the postoffice_text_body twig filter.
Module: Postoffice Html2Text, Service: postoffice_html2text.message_subscriber
Class: \Drupal\postoffice_html2text\EventSubscriber\MessageSubscriber
Generates a plain text part for every HTML message.
Module: Postoffice Skel, Service: postoffice_skel.message_subscriber
Class: \Drupal\postoffice_skel\EventSubscriber\MessageSubscriber
Wraps a message into a HTML document skeleton.
Module: Postoffice Inline Styles, Service: postoffice_inline_styles.message_subscriber
Class: \Drupal\postoffice_inline_styles\EventSubscriber\MessageSubscriber
Inlines CSS from libraries attached during the rendering of a message.
Module: Postoffice, Service: postoffice.default_address_subscriber
Class: \Drupal\postoffice\EventSubscriber\DefaultAddressSubscriber
Sets the sender, from and to address to the site default if one of them is still empty.

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