Style configurations

Last updated on
16 October 2020

Layout Builder Style configuration

Once installed and enabled, Layout Builder Styles configuration is located at admin/config/content/layout_builder_style. This configuration is also available from the Content Authoring configuration page (admin/config/content) as Layout builder styles.

Styles are created and configured from the configuration page.

Configuration elements

A "style" is a configuration entity with the following properties:


A human-readable name for the specified style.


Drupal's machine name, also used in template name suggestion for block templates.

CSS class(es)

A list of CSS classes to apply to the block wrapper. Please note that no class selector is needed.


Select which Layout Builder components this style should be applied to. Blocks are individual blocks within sections. Sections are the containers to which blocks reside in.

Block/layout restrictions

Optionally select which blocks this style can be applied to.

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