Setting up a consent (so called "app")

Last updated on
15 July 2020


Beside managing (deleting) cookies in the browser, klaro controls the execution of any resource (JavaScript, iFrame, Image etc.) based on a) the configuration of the "app" AND b) if the end-user gives the consent or not.

To satisfy b) you need to create an "app" which will presented as a "consent" on the consent manager modal. If there are any ressources in that specific context generating cookies or executing / loading those ressource causing generating those cookies you have to satisfy a) by configure this "app".

Example: let the user take controll over presentations of "advertisements" on your website.

Add a new app

  1. Visit "Administration" > "Configuration" > "System" > "Klaro" > "Manage" > "Apps" (/admin/config/system/klaro/apps).
  2. click "+ Add app".
  3. Enter the label of the app "Advertisements".
  4. Edit / change the machine name of the app.
  5. Leave "enabled" unchecked for now.
  6. Open the group "Options" and select at least one Purpose.
  7. click "save".

 You created a new klaro app! As long as the app is not enabled, it won't appear on the consent manager modal.

Configure "App-Cookies"

coming soon...

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