Developer Guide

Last updated on
21 June 2020

Adding a Key Select element to a form

Key adds a Form API element called key_select that behaves like a select element, but that is populated with available keys as options. This allows module developers to easily add a key field to a settings form, like this:

$form['secret_key'] = [
  '#type' => 'key_select',
  '#title' => $this->t('Secret key'),

There are a couple of additional properties that can be used:

  • #key_filters An array of filters to apply to the list of keys. Filtering can be performed on any combination of key provider, key type, and key type group. Examples:
    • #key_filters = ['type' => 'mailchimp'] This would only display MailChimp keys.
    • #key_filters = ['provider' => 'file'] This would only display keys that use the File key provider.
    • #key_filters = ['type' => 'mailchimp', 'provider' => 'file'] This would only display MailChimp keys that use the File key provider.
    • #key_filters = ['type_group' => 'encryption'] This would only display encryption keys.
  • #key_description This is a boolean value that determines if information about keys is added to the element's description. It is TRUE by default and it prepends the description with the following text (with a link to the add key form):

    Choose an available key. If the desired key is not listed, create a new key.

    This can be disabled by setting #key_description to FALSE.

  • #empty_value The value of the option that is used to denote no selection.

  • #empty_option The label that will be displayed to denote no selection.

Using a Key in Drupal 8

Modules can retrieve information about keys or a specific key value by making a call to the Key Manager service. It is best practice to inject the service into your own service, form, or controller. The following examples assume the use of the \Drupal object for brevity, but the examples can be extrapolated to fit the use case of your module.

Get all key entities


Get a single key entity


Get a key value


Get a key value as an associative array
(for multivalue keys)


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