Miscellaneous features

Last updated on
20 April 2021

Compatible with advanced themes

Formdazzle is compatible with advanced theming techniques by running after any theme’s #pre_render hooks. The new Drupal core themes, Claro and Olivero, convert some form elements from one type to another using this technique. Formdazzle waits until they are finished before adding theme hook suggestions.

Views exposed forms

The views module produces many forms, but only one website-user-facing form, the views_exposed_form form. Formdazzle shortens its theme suggestion from views_exposed_form__ to views__.

Formdazzle also works around a Drupal core bug that won't show theme suggestions for Views forms, so Formdazzle ensures that theme suggestions show up in the Twig debug comments for Views exposed forms.

Webform IDs

The webform module has really long theme suggestions that start with webform_submission_form. Formdazzle provides a shorter theme suggestion of webform_[ID].

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