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Installation guide

Last updated on
9 August 2021

This page has not yet been reviewed by VisualN maintainer(s) and added to the menu.

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VisualN is a set of 12 modules. Some of those modules have external dependencies:

VisualN Embed requires Embed contrib modue to embed drawings into content using CKEditor wysiwyg editor

If enabling for a text format with HTML filter enabled, add <drupal-visualn-drawing data-visualn-drawing-id width height data-align> tag to the Allowed HTML tags filter setting.

Others may benefit from other contrib modules but don't need them to work:

VisualN Token requires Token and uses Token Filter contrib module to insert drawings into content using tokens.

Also VisualN requires some external js libraries to work.

There is only one required and some optional libraries:

D3.js is a required one. It is used by adapters to process csv and json files on client side and convert them into data.

The d3.js should be put to the libraries directory to have the path as follows: libraries/d3/d3.min.js

Optional js libraries are used by drawers from VisualN Basic Drawers module which can be used as examples to check VisualN misc functionality and to understand how it works.

Unpack libraries to corresponding paths.

Drawer Library path
Leaflet Map Basic libraries/leaflet/leaflet.js
Linechart Basic libraries/c3/c3.min.js
Slick Gallery Basic libraries/slick/slick/slick.js *

* paths may later be changed

There are a couple of known issues listed at the bottom of the VisualN project page. You will need to apply available patches until those issues get fixed.


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