OpenEDU Installation

Last updated on
5 January 2018

OpenEDU uses an installation profile, meaning when you run it, all the specific components, modules and themes will be set up for you, including some default content, so you get a nice workable site, fully themed, out of the box.

Minimum Requirements

Before you attempt to install, please make sure you meet all of the requirement outlined in the Drupal 8 core installation documentation:
You also will need to have Composer installed:
Once you are certain these requirements have been met, proceed with the following.

Preparing the Installation

Once composer is installed, run the following command:
composer create-project imagex/openedu-project MY_PROJECT

Composer will create a new directory called MY_PROJECT containing a docroot directory with a full OpenEDU code base.


You can then install it using either:

  • Web Browser: Navigate to your site’s URL and install as you would any normal Drupal installation by following the prompts.
  • Drush: Using the drush si command. Note that this may require changing your PHP memory configuration to install.

    for example:

    drush si openedu —site-name='My EDU Site' --db-url='mysql://dbuser:dbpass@'

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