Configuring Key Code Sequence

Last updated on
19 November 2018

It is possible to deviate from the "real" Konami Code sequence to something you want to define. You will need to add the JavaScript equivalent of the code you want to mimic in the configuration field separated by a ','. As an example, the well known Konami code translates to the following Key Code Sequence: 


Below is a full list of keyboard keys and their corresponding JavaScript key code that will help you build a custom Key Code Sequence.

Key Code Key
0 That key has no keycode
3 break
8 backspace / delete
9 tab
12 clear
13 enter
16 shift
17 ctrl
18 alt
19 pause/break
20 caps lock
21 hangul
25 hanja
27 escape
28 conversion
29 non-conversion
32 spacebar
33 page up
34 page down
35 end
36 home
37 left arrow
38 up arrow
39 right arrow
40 down arrow
41 select
42 print
43 execute
44 Print Screen
45 insert
46 delete
47 help
48 0
49 1
50 2
51 3
52 4
53 5
54 6
55 7
56 8
57 9
58 :
59 semicolon (firefox), equals
60 <
61 equals (firefox)
63 ß
64 @ (firefox)
65 a
66 b
67 c
68 d
69 e
70 f
71 g
72 h
73 i
74 j
75 k
76 l
77 m
78 n
79 o
80 p
81 q
82 r
83 s
84 t
85 u
86 v
87 w
88 x
89 y
90 z
91 Windows Key / Left ⌘ / Chromebook Search key
92 right window key
93 Windows Menu / Right ⌘
95 sleep
96 numpad 0
97 numpad 1
98 numpad 2
99 numpad 3
100 numpad 4
101 numpad 5
102 numpad 6
103 numpad 7
104 numpad 8
105 numpad 9
106 multiply
107 add
108 numpad period (firefox)
109 subtract
110 decimal point
111 divide
112 f1
113 f2
114 f3
115 f4
116 f5
117 f6
118 f7
119 f8
120 f9
121 f10
122 f11
123 f12
124 f13
125 f14
126 f15
127 f16
128 f17
129 f18
130 f19
131 f20
132 f21
133 f22
134 f23
135 f24
144 num lock
145 scroll lock
160 ^
161 !
162 ؛ (arabic semicolon)
163 #
164 $
165 ù
166 page backward
167 page forward
168 refresh
169 closing paren (AZERTY)
170 *
171 ~ + * key
172 home key
173 minus (firefox), mute/unmute
174 decrease volume level
175 increase volume level
176 next
177 previous
178 stop
179 play/pause
180 e-mail
181 mute/unmute (firefox)
182 decrease volume level (firefox)
183 increase volume level (firefox)
186 semi-colon / ñ
187 equal sign
188 comma
189 dash
190 period
191 forward slash / ç
192 grave accent / ñ / æ / ö
193 ?, / or °
194 numpad period (chrome)
219 open bracket
220 back slash
221 close bracket / å
222 single quote / ø / ä
223 `
224 left or right ⌘ key (firefox)
225 altgr
226 < /git >, left back slash
230 GNOME Compose Key
231 ç
233 XF86Forward
234 XF86Back
235 non-conversion
240 alphanumeric
242 hiragana/katakana
243 half-width/full-width
244 kanji
251 unlock trackpad (Chrome/Edge)
255 toggle touchpad

List copied from: all credits to them for providing a complete list.

If you're missing a character you can try to search for another list on google with the keywords "JavaScript Key Codes".

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