PayPal PayFlow Pro testing

Last updated on
12 November 2019

1. Create a test order on your Drupal site

If your PayFlow Pro gateway is properly configured, you should see a standard credit card form as part of the Order Information step. If your site offers multiple payment options, you may need to select the payment option associated with your PayFlow Pro gateway to see this form.

PayPal provides a list of credit card numbers that can be used for testing on its Test Payflow Transactions documentation page. Enter card number, expiration date, and cvv values to create a Payflow payment for your test order:

Create test order on your Drupal site

2. Verify transactions using PayPal Manager

Login in to PayPal Manager using the Login Name and Password you used when creating your Payflow Gateway account. Enter "PayPal" for the "Partner" value unless you have another ID provided to you by an authorized PayPal reseller. When you login in to PayPal Manager for the first time, you may be asked to provide questions and answers for several security questions.

PayPal Manager login

The simplest way to locate your test order transactions is to click on "Total Business Summary" in the "Business Activity Center" section. To see an itemized list, click on "Today's Sales". You can also use the "Search Transactions" and "Reports" tools to verify transaction information.

PayPal Manager transactions summary

The Settlement Report provides an overview of transactions that includes the timestamp, amount, and transaction result. You can click on the Transaction ID to view more details about a transaction.

PayPal Manager settlement report

3. Troubleshooting: manage authentication filters

If the credit card information you're entering during checkout gets rejected, you may need to adjust authentication filters. Read the Payflow Fraud Protection Services User's Guide for a comprehensive overview. To turn off the filters most likely to cause errors during checkout on your Drupal site, navigate to Service Settings > Fraud Protection > Test Setup > Edit Standard Filters in PayPal Manager. While testing your PayFlow gateway, fine-tune the settings that work for both your Drupal site and your business needs.

PayFlow fraud protection filters

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