typed_data 8.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
New features

The 8.x-1.0-alpha2 release is mainly for bug fixes, code cleanup, and improved testing and code documentation. There are also a few new added features:

  • Support for typed data form widgets.
  • Additional typed data filters.
  • Foundational Context code from Rules. This extends the core annotation class discovery for usage with Typed data context.

mtools 7.x-1.6

Bug fixes

Corrected export to include all states of modules and all modules not just those that need updating. Re-labeled as a module audit.

token 8.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Fixed bugs with some tokens that can cause exceptions, deprecation removals and other improvements.

Contributors (15)

Vidushi Mehta, deepakkumar14, Matroskeen, subson, rocket.man, jhedstrom, bucefal91, joelpittet, JKerschner, Prashant.c, amit.drupal, mbovan, zero2one, mxh, Berdir


Issues: 8 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.3:

pathauto 8.x-1.3

Bug fixes
New features

Configurable url-safe tokens, various bugfixes, deprecation removals and other improvements.

Contributors (18)

dalin, idebr, alesbencina, vakulrai, subson, dbgilbert, manish-31, Dinesh18, ultimike, Spurlos, junkuncz, datvance, JKerschner, Berdir, cburschka, Primsi, Vidushi Mehta, kdebisschop


Issues: 11 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.2:

profile2 7.x-1.5

Bug fixes

Issue #1860094 by jantoine, klausi: profile2_load_by_user() cache needs to be cleared earlier on saving
Issue #2683917 by ckng, Rick J: Profile 2 types restricted by role, show for admin users
Issue #2449913 by imclean, paulmartin84: Using inline entity form widget on a Profile2 field fails to work
Issue #1097684 by Spleshka, clemens.tolboom, RickJ, mrded, Jacqs: Profile tokens are not available directly after adding/registering a user
Issue #2745845 by sandip27, RickJ: Add a Delete profile button


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