This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Module Suggestion: replace plaintext with font of choice

It sounds a bit long winded, doesn't it?

Essentially, it is inspired by this; . It is a technique for replacing header text within certain tags...e.g. h2 , with images generated by a php file and a specified font. The font just has to be stored on the webserver, so this is an excellent technique for dynamic replacement for headers.

I suggest reading the article, as it mentions about caching and generation of images there.

This should be easy enough to implement in a phptemplate theme I'm sloooowly making.

However, one of the commentors suggested that it would be much better for large CMS sites if such a function could be done when the 'header' is created. Which of course made me think of drupal. I doubt that I will be personally using it to replace node headers with a font of choice, but I am using the basic technique for my block headers. Or will be. WARE MY CURRENT drupal theme. Its only bluemarine.

...uh....back to the point, which was; anyone think it might be a good idea to create such a module more integrated to drupal (e.g. you can specify the path to the font, font size, html tag, etc etc.

Definitely NOT core, as the js he uses is hefty. But useful for designers rather than admins.

So yus.
a) Anyone else think this would be a useful module for design orientated admins
b) Anyone think they might give it a shot

Donation module preview

Hi I have a preview ready of a donations module for Drupal. (sorry for the double post, I should have posted this here in the first place)

With this module any Drupal based site can have easy yet powerfull donation functionality on their site. It works together with, which I am also the developer of.

Among many things, this module would also mean that the Drupal site itself could very easy track each individual project/module on Drupal, each with a separate donation tracker overviews, all on it's own Drupal site.

This also enables other sites to easy implement multiple donation items into their site, all with detailed donation info.

Donorge also has working in it's system relational information between items, this means donors could begin to see relations among on organizations/software projects. It also means that donors will become able to see relations outside Drupal, outside open source even.

Donorge itself is a GPL based donations service, just starting up.

You can read and test all about the preview of this donations module here (this server is not on-line 24h). This module will be available for download and live use as soon as the module is up on Drupal. In the mean time you can already play around and test it with this preview module version on your own testing site (the preview module is connected to the Donorge testing site). Note that Donorge also has a complete dedicated testing site on which you can perform any testing also.

Complex multipage PEAR QuickForm inside a module . Possible ?

I d'like to stay in the drupal framework with my complex customer subscription form to take advantage of the user variable to set default values in some fields. But I wonder how I could integrate the PEAR QuickForm_Controller system into drupal as the two "page controller" design patterns will overlap.

One solution could be to develop my form mostly out of Drupal but still have access to the session ($user), at least to check the form is not accessed by a anonymous user. (My drupal site does not allow anonymous entrance at all as there are some secret b2b data inside ).

First Module, need help!

I'm attempting my first module (a node-type) and following the example from the handbook, I'm getting some funny results. My new module shows up OK in the admin section for enabling and it also shows up in the navigation block OK under create content.

However, there are two big problems....
1) If I click on the link to create a new node, all I get is the Create Content help page, with the header changed from the text "create content" to my module name.
2) Even though I provided it in my module, when I originally bring up the create content page, no help text appears for my new node type

Here's my menu hook

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
 * In order for users to be able to add nodes of their own, we need to give
 * them a link to the node composition form here.
function wishlist_menu($may_cache)  {
   $items = array();

   if($may_cache)  {
      $items[] = array('path' => 'node/add/wishlist',
                       'title' => t('wishlist'),
                       'access' => user_access('create wish list'));
   return $items;

and the form_hook

 * Implementation of hook_form().
function wishlist_form(&$node)  {
   watchdog('special','in wishlist_form',NULL);
   $output = '';

   if (function_exists('taxonomy_node_form'))  {
      $output .= implode('', taxonomy_node_form('wishlist', $node));
   //Now we define the form elements specific to our node type.
   $output .= form_textfield(t('Occasion'),'occasion',$node->occasion,60,128);
   return $output;

I put the watchdog call in there as a debug statement....this watchdog function NEVER GETS I can only conclude that wishlist_form is never being called......this is obviously a huge problem, but I'm unsure as to the cause of the problem.....anyway.....
here's my hook_help

 * Implementation of hook_help().
function wishlist_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
        case 'admin/modules#description':
           //This description is shown in the listing at admin/modules
           return t('This is just a test for custom wish lists...');
        case 'node/add#wishlist':
           //This description is shown when users click on "create content"
           return t('This creates a new wish list.');

Any help would be GREATLY apprechiated!

Tags module

Has anyone thought about doing a tag's module like, Flickr and MetaFilter.

Specifically a page like MetaFilter, as I've notice the Folksonomy module has been developed.

Drupal module development, possibilities of outsourcing?

Hi everyone-

I am looking for a developer that can help with a custom Drupal module. The developer needs to be experienced and have competitive rates. Please either respond to this topic or contact me through my profile.

Second question, what are the legalities of having a module developed and then not releasing the source code? I know that changes to the Drupal code must be published, but this module will form the core of a business and I do not want it distributed. Anyone have some insight here?


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