lite 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes
New features

Changes since 7.x-1.1:

  • #3440468: Accommodate changes to the Editor module

useraccesshub 7.x-1.4

New features
  • Added /spoke/api/packages endpoint to allow the hub to pull core/module/theme data.

backdrop_upgrade_status 7.x-1.3

Bug fixes
New features

Bug fixes, minor new features, and various code cleanup.

dialog 7.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.1:

  • #3437805: Modal dialog overlay appears behind navbar/toolbar

entity_embed 7.x-3.0

The third release of Entity Embed for Drupal 7 which depends on the Editor project for WYSIWYG integration and moves from rendering using entity view modes to individual field formatters via the Entity Reference project.


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