
ZonePanels allow you can easy create dynamic layout for Panels, best to use with Bootstrap 3 theme.
ZonePanels allow you customize 6*12=72 regions for your layout.

1. Copy the entire ZonePanels directory the Drupal sites/all/modules
directory or use Drush with drush dl zonepanels.
2. Login as an administrator. Enable the module on the Modules page.

- Create your Panels page or edit exist Panels page.
- In the Layout section choose ZONES Category then choose ZONESTRAP layout.
- ZonePanels allow you customize for 6 Zone, each zone support config for 12 region.
- After config region, click "Update and Save", with each region choose Style with ZoneStrap then you can choose column
style for your region, column style based on Bootstrap grid column.

Project information
