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This module enables a Drupal website to send statistics remote Zabbix server using a locally installed Zabbix client. For more information on Zabbix, see

The Zabbix server can then be configured to monitor the incoming statistics and trigger alerts according to your own specific requirements.

Gain a deeper understanding of your Drupal performance and find those transient problems before they become major issues.

An example Zabbix XML Drupal items is included for your Zabbix server. Refer to the zabbix_items.xml in the example_zabbix_server_configuration directory. This is an export of example_items from Zabbix Server 1.8.2.

Sending custom Zabbix statistics from other Drupal modules

If you have other Drupal modules that need to send statistics to a Zabbix server then you can accomplish this one of two ways:
1. Calling zabbix_send() directly:

if (module_exists('zabbix')) {
  zabbix_send($key, $value);

2. Or implementing a zabbix_items function in your module, eg. function mymodule_zabbix_items(). See the existing zabbix_zabbix_items() function as an example.


See the included README.txt for installation, Zabbix items and Zabbix server configuration instructions.

Zabbix Monitoring by Pull method (7.x-2.x-dev)

In Zabbix pull method, zabbix will pull metrics from drupal callback URL. There are two way to configure monitoring using pull method in zabbix admin.

1) Items(using grab result in zabbix server)
2) Web scenario(using callback URL grab true/false value in zabbix server)

This method provides an easy way for users to access values by specifying the key in the url. A new hook called "hook_zabbix_pull_metrics" is also available for users to implement in their own custom modules. For example, a new key (ex: "total_number_of_users") can be created. It's value can be returned by accessing the url http://localhost/admin/zabbix/total_number_of_users.

About the developers

Agileware is an Australian Drupal development company with years of commercial experience in Drupal website, module development and design. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements. Agileware have the right solution for every budget.

Lalit Kumar and Donato Baonguis for "Zabbix Monitoring by Pull method (7.x-2.x-dev)".

Project information
