This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

XPath scraper allows you to scrape data from another website by parsing html using xpath.

How does it work:

  1. Download and enable XPath scraper module.
  2. Create new module that requires XPath scraper and put the configuration at {module_name}/src/Controller/ScraperConfigController.php.


kindly see xs_test which has the following files:


  • Copy example module to your custom modules folder.
  • Then rename EXAMPLE_WEBSITE with your target website.
  • Feel free to edit configuration and follow comments.
  • Add/remove fields configuration depend on content type and target website.

XPath scraper for Drupal 8:

We are in beta stages for 8.x version. We expect to cover the most common use cases and welcome everybody to use the module.

If someone tests/uses this module and provides feedback we will be very thankful.

Please use the issue queue for anything in mind, I accept all suggestions and comments. :)

This distribution is sponsored and developed by Vardot.


Supporting organizations: 
Initial building, ongoing maintenance and development

Project information
