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What is XCRI-CAP?

XCRI-CAP stands for eXchanging Course Related Information, Course Advertising Profile. XCRI-CAP is the UK standard for describing course marketing information. It shows how to structure the information, defines and names the data components and specifies the types of data permitted within each component.

This Feature enables users to create a catalogue of course presentations that can be checked against the XCRI-CAP 1.2 Online Validator.

This feature is supported by the JISC Course Data project, which aims to improve the Course Advertising Profile (CAP) of institutions within the education sector.

Feature features

  • Creates the following taxonomies: Provider, Course, Qualification and Venue.
  • Creates the following content type: Course presentation.
  • Outputs feed to a Uri through Views that can be modified/extended as necessary.


  1. Download this feature and all of the dependent modules and install them like with any other module.
  2. Enable the XCRI-CAP module, this will also enable all of its dependencies.
  3. Add terms to all of the related taxonomies (providers, courses, qualifications and venues).
  4. Add the courses presentations that will be related to the taxonomies created in the previous step.
  5. Configure the XCRI-CAP top-level contributor and description elements by going to the views administration and editing the XCRI-CAP view. Look for "Format" and click on settings next to the "XCRI-CAP Feed" link. You can find more information on views by looking at its documentation for further details.

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