Allows authorized users to submit wishlist nodes to your web site which describe items they would like for a special occasion.

Each node can contain links showing other users where to acquire the item, a description, an estimated cost and a count of how many are desired. Other site users can indicate their interest in purchasing an item from a wishlist. When that happens, everybody can see that somebody purchased the item and duplicated gifts are eliminated (or reduced - the wishlist module does rely on people playing nicely together). You can also flag items as private, in which case only you will be able to see them. This is handy for items you want to remember, but may not want right away.

This module is not for commerce and does not require any ability for your site to take payments or otherwise take orders. It is the on-line version of the list you gave your mother for a birthday/holiday so that she could tell all the relatives what you wanted. Unlike your mother, the module cannot express dissatisfaction to those who cause duplicate purchases to happen.

Drupal 7 Version

The data structure used by the Wishlist module has not changed from the 6.x-2.4 version. I strongly recommend you upgrade to 6.x-2.4, then perform a migration from 6.x-2.4 to the 7.x-2.5 version on a test site and then check your data. A pre-upgrade database backup is always recommended.

Thanks to polynya for assistance with the D7 port and testing.

Drupal 8 version

Development is in progress on the 8.x-3.x branch.

Project information
