This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Windows live ID is a service provided by microsoft that allows you to login to non microsoft websites using your Windows live userid and password (e.g. hotmail or msn user id and password). This is MSFTs answer to OpenID for those who are familiar with OpenID.

This module when installed and enabled on a Drupal 5.x or 6.x website will add a URL link to the login block or login page.

1. Clicking on this link will take you to the Windows Live authentication page on the Windows Live Servers if you are not logged in yet.

2. After the user logs in successfully on the windows live page - the windows live service will automatically forward them back to the drupal website.

3. Depending on how the drupal site is setup different things happen at this step:
a) if the user already has a site account and has previously enabled his site account to login via the Live ID service - they will be automatically logged in to the website.

b) if the user has a site account but has not enabled his account to login via Live ID service - they will be asked to login using their regular site account userid and password. After they login their account will be automatically enabled for Windows Live ID.

c) If the user does not have a site account - the module will ask them to create an account before they are allowed access to the site. At minimum they will be asked to enter in a profile name and an email address based on how your sites user registration requirements are setup. After a successful registration that includes the optional email verification - their account will be automatically enabled for login via the Windows Live ID service.
Note that - they will not be prompted for a site password in this case.

Project information
