This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This is a simple module which forces all your site's webforms and webform submission results to be automatically viewed and submitted entirely via SSL (i.e., at a URL beginning with https://).

It is useful if you are using the Webform module to collect information from your visitors and you want those submissions to be dealt with securely (e.g., for privacy reasons).


The Secure Pages module is required. You must also set up your site and server so as to correctly support SSL. See the README.txt that ships with this module for additional details.

To create the actual webforms which this module will secure, you also need the Webform module.


Although this module should work well in most scenarios (and with standard uses of the Webform module), be warned that it cannot deal with all possible customizations you may have made on your site and all possible places where webform submission results can theoretically be viewed.

For example:

  • If your site has custom Views which display webform submissions, this module is not able to automatically detect those and protect them via SSL (instead, you will need to configure the Secure Pages module to specifically protect the pages on which those Views are displayed).
  • Files which are uploaded along with a webform submission will not necessarily be transferred via SSL when downloaded by an administrator (even for private files which Drupal otherwise controls).

In general, it is important to remember that although this module makes a "best effort" to protect your webform submissions via SSL, you are still responsible for auditing the behavior of your site if you have policies in place that require all user submissions to be handled securely.


This module was contributed by Acquia and is currently maintained by the Acquia engineering team.

Project information
