WebApp Infoscreen

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Webapp Module adds some functions for iOS and Android devices such as:

  • Deliver App icons for all different iOS devices like iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch and for devices with Retina displays and Android Chrome Standalone Homescreen App
  • Startup Images for all different iOS device/screen Sizes and pixel ratio. Detected via JavaScript to speed up and be able to bypass some iOS bugs!
  • Prevent links in standalone iOS web applications to open Mobile Safari App
  • easy meta-tags configuration
  • Viewport settings
  • Selection of iOS status bar style
  • display "Add to Home screen" box for new users (Requires library module)
  • Phone number detection switch
  • Tap highlight switch
  • input for homescreen app title if is to long (only for iOS6)

Libraries Module if you want to use the "Add to Homescreen" Infobox

Download and install as usual, just download, put it in your modules folder and enable it :)
or use 'drush dl webapp' and 'drush -y en webapp' in your command line

To configure the module, navigate to the path /admin/config/content/webapp

Planned Features
Support for Windows Mobile with icon, text and RSS input field for the tile

If you need an D6 Version, ios_webapp is a similar module, just for iOS optimized and with less features. We don't plan to have a port of WebApp to D6 at this time.

Supporting organizations: 
Initial development and ongoing support

Project information
