This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Call for maintainers

I am not having the time to address the issues on this collection of unrelated submodules. With the help of other maintainers, I am in the process of moving each submodule to its own full project. Please contact me if you are interested to take over one or more of them.

This package contains a set of small Views add-ons that provide useful functionalities. Included are the following modules:

  • Views Block (views_block): Exposes blocks as Views objects.
  • Views Taxonomy Summary (views_summary_taxonomy): Provides a summary style plugin suitable for displaying hierarchical taxonomies.
  • Views Composite Exposed Form Plugin (views_composite_exposed_form): Allows multiple exposed form plugins to be activated simultaneously in Views 3.
  • Views Display Block Path (views_display_block_path): Extends block display plugin to support URL path and use exposed filter form without Ajax.

Views Block

Views Taxonomy Summary

Think of this as a Views equivalent of Taxonomy Menu. It displays a hierarchical summary of the taxonomy terms in your view results.

  • Add an argument of type Taxonomy: Term ID (with depth and summary)
  • In "Action to take if argument is not present", select Summary, sorted ascending (or descending)
  • In "Change summary style for Argument Taxonomy: Term ID (with depth and summary)", select Taxonomy
  • In "Page: Configure summary style for Argument Taxonomy: Term ID (with depth and summary)", select the vocabulary that corresponds to your nodes.
  • Enjoy!

Graduated modules


Thank you all for your support!

Project information
