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It may feel strange to have to click through the menu on the vertical layout and for those who want to have a hover effect on vertical, this is the module for you. This module can also be great for getting away from the defaults and having a more customized admin panel that doesn't feel so generic.

This module adds a little bit of CSS and Javascript in order to achieve the hover effects. This module should be compatible with Adminimal or other admin themes/reskins. As of 1.0-rc5, it is encouraged to use a third-party admin toolbar reskin because the vanilla toolbar has a background-color: transparent which makes it hard to read the menu items while they are overlayed on the main canvas. adminimal_admin_toolbar will give it a nice dark theme which makes it much more legible.

This module will REPLACE the click effect of the vertical hover menu for desktop. This means you can no longer click to open and lock the menu on vertical orientation. This only applies for desktop.

Lastly, this module will not take effect on mobile. Due to problems with hover on mobile, we simply opt to ignore hover effects for mobile. The normal behavior will then apply on this menu where you must click (tap) to open.


As of this writing, Mar 25, 2019, there is no configuration required. Simply Install the module using Composer/FTP, enable it, and you're good to go. Switch the menu orientation to vertical and hover effects should kick in.

Module Dependencies

  • Admin Toolbar
    • This module is used to achieve 100% full hover effects for the menu without having to recreate the wheel.

Third Party Dependencies

Many CSS/JS projects have preprocessors, build tools, minifyers, etc. to help with development/delivery. As of this writing, there is no minifying or build tools included. We use jQuery and vanilla CSS to achieve our implementation. This is subject to change if deemed necessary but the JS is already quite low overhead and so it may be more beneficial to leave the overall project smaller rather than reduce the size of our JS file by a couple of kb.

Known Issues

Project information
